Ishprit Kaur

Life has a beautiful way of shaping each and every one of us to become the individuals we are today; to help us reach tomorrow’s potential. Through this journey we choose a career path where we spend a significantly large part of our lives – some choosing to stay on their chosen path, other’s veering off to a different one and then maybe yet another.

There is magic in learning to ground the soul, remaining present and paying gratitude to the source. There is magic in the pain, growing through it and working to meet higher versions of ourselves. These newer versions are direct reflections of our progress. Every evolved version challenges us to trust that there is a divine and beautiful plan unfolding for the earth and for each one of us.

The version of myself that I’m meeting today is my favorite version thus far. Today I look at my reflection and see a fiercely empowered lioness - humbled by the process, with a prayer to remain in eternal gratitude. Weathering the seasons of life with integrity and grace albeit circumstances commanding less favorable reactions. The woman I am today is no longer defined by her past, she no longer allows yesterday’s story to control today’s narrative - ready to serve, spread, and share the light with you. Let’s connect and shine together <3